DOVIA Sacramento Volunteer and Volunteer Manager Award 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities - Six Levels | |
Partner Level Sponsorship @ $5,000
- Sponsor logo and hyperlink in all Awards materials
- Presence in sponsorship section of the Awards web page
- Opportunity to promote in pre and post-event communication (emails)
- Option to contribute marketing material for swag bag
- Presence on DOVIA Sacramento website as an organizational supporter (1 year)
- Recognition at Awards ceremony for support
- Ad in Awards Ceremony Program (half page)
- Recognition in Awards Social Media Announcements and Ceremony Posts (3)
- Recognition in Awards article in DOVIA newsletter
- Opportunity to speak at Awards ceremony
- Opportunity to help distribute awards
Collaborator Level Sponsorship @ 3,500
- Sponsor logo and hyperlink in all Awards materials
- Presence in sponsorship section of the Awards web page
- Option to contribute marketing material for swag bag
- Presence on DOVIA Sacramento website as an organizational supporter (1 year)
- Recognition at Awards ceremony for support
- Ad in Awards Ceremony Program (quarter page)
- Recognition in Awards Social Media Announcements and Ceremony Posts (2)
- Recognition in Awards article in DOVIA newsletter
- Opportunity to help distribute awards
Advocate Level Sponsorship @$1,000
- Sponsor logo and hyperlink in all Awards materials
- Presence in sponsorship section of the Awards web page
- Option to contribute marketing material for swag bag
- Presence on DOVIA Sacramento website as an organizational supporter (1 year)
- Recognition at Awards ceremony for support
- Recognition in Awards article in DOVIA newsletter
- Opportunity to underwrite scholarship of $500 for Youth Volunteer of the Year and present award
Supporter Level Sponsorship @$500
- Sponsor logo and hyperlink in all Awards materials
- Presence in sponsorship section of the Awards web page
- Option to contribute marketing material for swag bag
- Recognition at Awards ceremony for support
- Recognition in Awards article in DOVIA newsletter
Associate Level Sponsorship @$250
- Sponsor name and web page link in Awards program
- Name in sponsorship section of the Awards web page
- Option to contribute marketing material for swag bag
- Recognition at Awards ceremony for support
- Recognition in Awards article in DOVIA newsletter
Friend Level Sponsorship @$100
- Sponsor name in Awards program
- Name in sponsorship section of the Awards web page
- Option to contribute marketing material for swag bag
- Recognition at Awards ceremony for support
- Recognition in Awards article in DOVIA newsletter